About us

The objective of the INNOVA art space is to present a different non-commercial art alternative in Punta del Este, one that is creative and avant-garde, and whose artists show commitment to their work. We include all disciplines: painting, drawing, video art, installations, digital art, performances and sculpture. disciplinas: pintura, dibujo, video arte, instalaciones, arte digital, performances y escultura.

INNOVA is a non-profit museological space, so the works are not for sale. Our mission is to exhibit works by Uruguayan artists and other nationalities to collaborate in the dissemination of their art.

Our exhibitions are accompanied by an inclusive educational program that aims to reach all types of audiences. To promote inclusion, at INNOVA we offer visual reading courses applying the VTS (Visual Thinking Strategies) method created in the United States by Philip Yenawine and Abigail Housen. Every season we schedule school visits and receive students from school 104.

The space works only in the summer season.

In 2010 Espacio INNOVA was declared of departmental interest for its cultural activities.

EXPEDIENTE Nº 3/10:   VISTO: lo informado por la Comisión de Legislación que este Cuerpo comparte, LA JUNTA DEPARTAMENTAL EN SESIÓN DE LA FECHA, RESUELVE: 1º) Declárase de Interés Departamental las actividades culturales que se desarrollan en la Sala de Exposiciones denominada “Espacio de Arte INNOVA”, ubicada en Ruta 10 km 166 – Balneario Buenos Aires. 2º) Pase a la Intendencia Municipal a sus efectos.-


Directed by Nuria Kello

Graduated as a Professor of Fine Arts at CONSUDEC in Buenos Aires. Postgraduate in Museological Studies, at Harvard University. Trained in the USA in the VTS (Visual Thinking Strategies) program. Internship at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts in Special Education. Introduction of the special education program at the 1998 and 2002 São Paulo Biennials. Artistic and educational coordinator of the Chapel Art Show in São Paulo. From 1997 to the present dedicated to spreading and applying the VTS (Visual Thinking Strategies), Art and Education Program for museums and schools created by Philip Yenawine and Abigail Housen.

Director of the non-profit Art Space INNOVA from 2010 to the present.

Uruguayan art consultancy: Alicia Haber. art critic and photographer

Assistants: Valeria Costantini. Visual artist. Bachelor of Visual Arts.

Elizabeth Taylor. Postgraduate in contemporary art.